Banquet of Burgundy : Friday Fictioneers July 17, 2015

PHOTO PROMPT- © Sandra Crook

PHOTO PROMPT- © Sandra Crook

The cooks in Duke of Burgundy’s kitchen were cleaning up after a successful banquet.

“The discussions in the banquet today were quite heated”
“Yes! King Phillip was furious.”
“I guess Edward’s sheltering that scheming Robert was the last straw.”
“But our duke did good selection of menu; and they cleaned up our entire stock”
“You mean the whole 70 gallon?”
“Every ounce of it!”
“Am sure that much mustard is surely going to burn them for years”
“It’s England who should worry – we will be fighting them with fire in our belly.”
“And they will remember the Dijon Mustard for centuries to come.”


Odo IV, Duke of Burgundy held a Banquet at Dijon hosting then King of France, Philip VI in 1336. Phillip on the same year had a bitter disconnect with the king of England, Edward III. The worsening relationship through of a series of events in 1336, saw the beginning of the 100 years’ war from 1337. Its recorded that the said banquet consumed 70 Gallons of Dijon mustard – the highest ever consumed in a single sitting. This is an attempt to connect the dots in a lighter note!

Written for Friday Fictioneers hosted by Reverent Rochelle. Rest of the fictions at the froggy link below-

32 responses to “Banquet of Burgundy : Friday Fictioneers July 17, 2015

  1. I adore a bit of a funny side of history and you managed to deliver just that. Great story.


  2. I love Dijon mustard. Great take on the prompt, Horus. 🙂


  3. Is that how we lost Calais?


  4. Dear Indrajit,

    Dare I say it? “Please pass the Poupon.” Some had to. 😉 Delightfully appetizing piece of history!




  5. Ah yes, can’t beat nice bit of Dijon!


  6. This made me laugh 🙂


  7. Ah! 😀 In the heat of the battle was the mustard. 😉 I suppose.

    Leo @ I Rhyme Without Reason


  8. Great job transforming historical facts to a humourous story!


  9. That was a nice beating fiction around Dijon mustard. 🙂


  10. Hehe, that was fun. Great story.


  11. This was so much fun! Having recently read Les Rois Maudits (all 7 tomes), they actually spoke of this banquet!


  12. Love the history behind the story! Well done, and quite amusing!


  13. Thanks for the bit of history but you can keep the Dijon mustard, not a fan.


  14. That is indeed a lot of mustard!


  15. You’ve connected the dots most delightfully!

    Now I’m hungry! I think I’ll make myself a sandwich with Gray Poupon–but I probably won’t use as much as King Edward and his cohorts 😀


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