Tag Archives: new year

Just another mark…

End of another year. Usually I have stopped taking notice of year ends. In the endless flow of time, end of a year is just another man-made marker. That too depending on which calendar we choose to follow. It’s just because the Gregorian calendar is being followed by the largest percentage of this planet, this has acquired added significance. Yet on days like these, sometimes, the mind tries to take a break and ponder on the days that went by.

And this is the very reason why I avoid thinking about the yearly round-up – it makes me travel back. And most of the times than not, it becomes difficult to stop within the desired distance. And while counting my blessings and all that I got, it’s also difficult not to think about what we’re lost and what could have been. There is absolutely no doubt that this past twelve months has showered countless rewards. Have received joys for which I have waited all my life. Joy of togetherness, joy of unconditional love, hugs when I needed them badly and also when I never expected. The 31,622,400 seconds were filled with reasons to thank the almighty for finally listening to me. Yet… yes the crazy heart still says yet.

For a person who years to do so much and more, not being able to be allowed to do as per my capability, for reasons beyond my control is unthinkably frustrating. Though this is not the first time I have experienced this. And all those time, I had directed my energy and thoughts to somewhere else. At time they fetched good results and also at times they had devastating consequences. So this time – I tried to rein in the wanton mind. Slowly tried to soothe it and made it fall in line. The Bohemian was domesticated; with obvious fall outs. Time and again it tries to break the shackles and run away.

Luckily, after a long hiatus, the words finally decided to march back. They arrive the moment a domesticated sheep breaks the shackles and decides to become the blue songbird. It sings his heart out –

Some answers still waiting
For their questions
Some stares still waiting
For their smiles
Some silence still waiting
For their sighs
Behind the veil of morning fog
Lost as nameless star in moonlit night
And mid-summer shadow of flying bird
Some void still waits
For eternity
Some Answer still waiting
For their questions

It’s not easy to swim across the tide. But then that is something I always knew. Still the renegade sometimes gets tired. And these are the time when looking at the pale tired full moon peeking out of a piece of cloud, he sighs. The melancholy takes over, and droplets of fire rolls down the cheek, unnoticed. He keeps pushing the rewind and play buttons, hoping to hear some quickly fading lost words. A waft of breeze sweeps past his forlorn face, nudges it back to reality. Soon he is happy to lose himself in the cacophony of life, grinning and enjoying the world dancing around and telling him how lucky he is.

Lucky indeed, to have someone promising to be a journey-mate, an equal among the herd of sheep, helping me paint my canvas with my rainbow. It’s just that the Gypsy heart keeps bolting to places which world only looks with a frown. Yet I live, I love, I laugh and wait for the world to become Gypsy with me.


Love for Design

The love for designing and creativity was always there; the opportunity to work for a newsletter gave me the perfect opportunity to hone my skills and express my ideas. Over the last 21 months, it was a journey that I enjoyed thoroughly. Building the cover page designs to a related theme for the month has been both challenging and fulfilling; especially when it got the due appreciation. I must admit, that many of the ideas were inspired by some theme or other seen on the web, yet most of them are original creation. I also must admit that though I have put heaps of thinking behind most of these, some of them were made with very little time, and was not very happy with the outcome, yet was surprised to see the positive response it got from the audience.

The journey started with the inaugural Jan 2011 issue with the theme “Enlightenment”

First Cover Design

The very abstract first cover was received with mix reactions, prompting me to shift a bit more to realism, and the next one was an urbane effort –

The 2nd Cover made

This was much more retro, and saw people liking it more than the last one. And then came the month of March with festival of Holi. My license to experiment with color. Also keeping in mind that people start questioning “who is that” – the moment I use some human form. At least editorial team liked the design. They chose from a possible 3 versions.

Celebrating Holi

New month and a new challenge. By this time I had really started enjoying experimenting on Photoshop. Also wanted to celebrate the Indian new year; so brought together all of them to celebrate Indianism in April.

Indian New Year

Month of May was sizzling – and people were dreaming for cool dips. So planned to dip all of em in watery dream in May – not to much of jugglery here. Just a bit of trick to put the 3D letters in Water.

Watery Coolness to Beat the Heat

Heat was still searing the region. Other regions were expecting or were submerged in Monsoon. But no respite here. But wanted people to have some hope. So mixed em. Not too much experiment again. Too much lack of time in this one.

Hope under the Sun

Finally the rain gods were smiling. And as usual it brought cheer to my heart. Full in Experiment mode. Wanted to create water-color effect on Photoshop. Tried doing something new and romantic –

Rain Clouds in Watercolor

Month of Independence day and rain was in full swing. Wanted to make a simple statement. This one was not that much on Photoshop or design, but more on creativity. And quite some people placed this one as one of the best designs.

Indian Independence Day

In September mood again went on Photoshop creativity. Wanted to get Oil Pain effect this time. And theme was Ganesh Puja. Couple of simple images related to Ganesh Chaturthi in Mumbai and sea and the Photoshop CS3 effect did the rest.

The Oil Paint Effect in Photoshop

October brought in two of the most important festivals in India. As a Bong, wanted both Durga and Kali to come in. Yet had to keep in mind the major audience of Northern India and their Diwali. Gave it as ethnic look as possible, along with a Indianized font to go with it. And this time had to use plain simple drawing skills to make half of Durga’s face turn into Kali. This one is one my most favorite work.

Durga – Kali and Diwali

One of the Editorial board members came to me while I was planning what to put in November. Told me in continuation with last months festive focus, why not Guruparv this time. And i was thinking about Eid. So voila –  a combination once again. Amazingly this came out better than I had in mind. And the simple work in Photoshop gave me immense joy.

Eid and Guruparv

Was nearing the end of the year. Some people suggested a collage of all the 11 covers so far. But the collage was already tried in one of the events. And Was not quite enamored by what was coming out. So went back to tried and tested. Christmas season ! And people liked it !!

Christmas & Santa !

There were 5 different versions for Decembers cover. And had to make 4 of them for Jan 12. Though people were rooting for another of the four, I preferred this one for its sheer ingenuity. And yes – this was a pure inspiration from net. Added some touch of my own and finally the collage all were looking for.

Happy 2012 !

There was huge workload and very little time in hand. Some were asking to give a touch for Valentines day. With huge population of young employees around, had to give in to their feeling – albeit in a subtle way. This was again pure Photoshop work.

Celebrating Valentines

Once again comes the month of Holi – but this time had to make it somewhat different from last year. Yet with no time went into a shell of blocked ideas. This was the best I could come out with. Lots of Photoshop jugglery – some people liked, but not too many.

Holi in Photoshop

Was in transition in personal life, very little time to either think or design. One of the poor work in my opinion. Was glad that at least some people were able to visualize the heat I wanted to depict in it.

Phtoshop and me

The Writer’s (read – “Designer’s) Block continued. This was one my poorest work as per me. So don’t wanna talk much about it.


Was turning in poor work for two consecutive months. Was desperate to do something good. This was inspired by a UK painter’s work. Really liked her style. Used by thought and her style to finally turn in something refreshing after months.

Bright n Sunny

Work pressure and time got good of me again. All the work to bring in the Olympic figure were proving to be too childish to me. So had to settle for the least bad of them all.

Rainy Road to Olympic

Issues of “Crime Against Women” were engulfing the social and news media. It was painful to me. And convince the Editorial board to share the same pain with everyone in the month of Independence. Original visualization and just a bit of Photoshop skill –

Shame and Pain

Engineer’s day was the focus. Spent quite a bit of time. Maybe just because of that was not sure if this one was going to be liked by people. But was joyfully amazed by the number of people who appreciated this design. Lots of Photoshop skills and visualization !

Engineer’s Day

So with 21 designs in 21 months, when I look back, I surely feel satisfaction to quite some extent on the work I have done. Some pride yet lots of yearning to do  quite some more.

Knowing others like your work is one of the key drivers that drives guys like me. Hope to continue doing it –